Biology - minor

What you will study

Biology, the study of all living organisms and life processes, is the most all-encompassing of the sciences. 

We want you to be able to use science effectively. You take part in both individual and group investigative laboratories as part of the first two science courses. You develop a real sense of all the planning, the work, the frustration, the excitement — the reality of doing science.

As you progress and refine and build upon these basic abilities, you continue to design and perform experiments in the laboratory and in the field. You learn to use your investigative projects to engage in the more complex work of making relationships and perceiving patterns.

In intermediate courses, you ask more in-depth questions. You build and evaluate scientific models, showing how different biological concepts fit together — and you subject those models to testing, practicing professional methods of data gathering and record keeping. You strengthen your abilities through self-assessment, learning to be an independent judge of your progress.

This self-assessment leads you into advanced work, where you become responsible for your own learning strategies, your goals in long-term projects, and your actions in the internship. You decide what laboratory methods are appropriate for the problems you are investigating and what statistical tests should be applied to your data. And you analyze the role of science in society and develop your own code of scientific ethics, preparing yourself for your future as a professional biologist.

Core Requirements
Biology of Plants
and Biology of Plants Lab
or BI-222
Biology of Animals
and Biology of Animals Lab
or BI-223
or BI-341 Ecology
or BI-441 Animal Behavior
Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
and Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab
and Microbiology Lab
BI-325Cellular Biology3
or BI-361 Genetics Lecture
Chemistry of Bioorganic Molecules
and Chemistry of Bioorganic Molecules Lab
BI LabBiology (BL) Lab from BI-325L, BI-328L, BI-341 (lab in class), BI-361L, BI 425L, BI-441 (lab in class)1
Biology ElectivesTake 6 additional BI credits at levels 300 or 400 except course BI-325, BI-341, BI-361, and BI-4416
Total Credits26