
Academic Advising at Alverno College

Academic Advising at Alverno focuses on the holistic support of students as they work toward their academic, personal and professional goals.   At all levels, Academic Advising is a collaborative process between the student and their Advisor.  Advisors are committed to being accessible, providing accurate information, being sensitive to student differences and maintaining a respectful, caring and supportive environment.  Specifically, Advisor responsibilities may include:

  • Meeting/connecting with students both proactively and as needed
  • Monitoring student performance/progress and reaching out when warranted
  • Teaching students how to use a variety of “advising tools” that assist with self-directed understanding of program requirements and progress toward fulfilling those requirements
  • Assisting students in the short-term to plan for registration and in the long-term to create a plan toward graduation
  • Communicating and clarifying college policies and procedures
  • Acting as a referral agent with respect to other college resources and support systems
  • Facilitating solutions-focused problem-solving when academic and other issues arise
  • Providing opportunities for students to explore and deepen their understanding of their chosen discipline and/or profession
  • Celebrating student successes and accomplishments!
All students in Alverno degree programs are assigned to work with a specific Advisor as follows:

Associate of Arts Students in the Weekday Women’s College work with a specific Professional Advisor in the Advising Office and the Program Director for the AAS program of study. 

Undergraduate Students in the Weekday Women’s College are initially assigned to work with a Professional or Promise Scholar Advisor in the Advising Office.  Once students have a declared major and have achieved a specific level in their curriculum, they are transitioned/re-assigned to a Faculty Advisor in their program of study.  Note: Promise Scholar students work with both a Faculty Advisor as well as their Promise Scholar Advisor through graduation. 

Undergraduate Students in the Nursing 2 + 2, Degree Completion and Accelerate Programs are assigned to work with a Faculty Advisor from initial enrollment through graduation.  

Graduate Students are assigned to work with a Faculty Advisor in their discipline from initial enrollment through graduation. 

The Academic Advising Office, located in FO 121, houses seven Professional/Promise Scholar Advisors and three Administrative Support staff members.   The Academic Advising Office provides support and assistance to the variety of advising systems across campus and coordinates the Student-On-Leave program.