Withdrawal from College

Approved by: Academic Affairs


Related Policies:  

Related Forms, Procedures and References: Medical Exceptions | Student On Leave

For Questions Contact: Program Directors

Students that do not intend to continue their enrollment at Alverno are expected to officially withdraw.   Students withdrawing are strongly encouraged to consult with the Alverno Financial Aid and Student Accounts Offices regarding the status of their financial aid and their billing account.  To request an official withdrawal, students should consult with their Advisor to complete a transition interview and the corresponding Official Withdrawal Form.  Once withdrawn, depending on academic level and program, a student must either reapply via the Admissions Office or readmit via the Graduate Program to be re-considered for future enrollment.  

In addition:

  • Students-On-Leave that do not enroll for classes before their leave expires will have their status automatically changed from leave to withdrawal.
  • Students that do not register for an upcoming semester and have not taken a leave or made their intentions known, will be officially withdrawn once the semester begins.
  • Students that have been dismissed/removed from their academic program will be officially withdrawn.   A formal written request for re-admission will be required for review by the appropriate Departmental and/or Status Committee.