Integrated Studies (IST) major

The Integrated Studies major allows students the flexibility to pursue individualized interests and prepare for a profession in a related field. Students work on minors, specializations, experiences, and individual initiatives in their areas of interest. Most importantly, IST graduates have strong transferable skills for any profession after demonstrating the program’s outcomes.

  1. Identifies problems and collaborates effectively with others to address them.
  2. Applies knowledge, frameworks, and theories from multiple disciplines to interpret issues.
  3. Uses various modes of communication to connect with audiences creatively and effectively.
  4. Makes meaning out of the complexity and significance of diverse identities, perspectives and ways of being.
  5. Self-assesses to evaluate and strengthen personal value systems and professional goals.

This program is ideal for students returning or transferring to Alverno who are looking for a direct path to graduation.

ADV CourseAdvanced level work in at least one area of study 3
IST-475Adv Sem: Integrated Foundtn:Bldg Future (Complete IST-475 or IST-375 + IST-490 which are not yet approved)2
Complete all Gen Ed requirements for a mega-major
120 CreditsComplete a total of 120 credits for degree115
Total Credits120