Education Leadership (EDD)

EDD-700 Orientation to EDD Program (0 credits)

Acceptance into the EDD program.

EDD-750 Introduction to Graduate School Writing (0 credits)

This course reviews the types of reading and writing that most graduate students must interact with and produce, as well as the processes and strategies that support success in professional-level reading and writing. Graduate writers will also develop and practice key editing skills, which are integrated into each lesson. The student will become familiar with selected online resources that help writers continue individualized skills development in editing; drafting, composing, and revising processes; doing research; and citing sources. The course is fully online.

EDD-751 APA Upgrade (0 credits)

This go-at-your-own-pace workshop is an asynchronous online experience that will reframe APA through graduate and disciplinary lenses. You'll learn how the APA format standards reflect the standards of your discipline, and you'll discover and practice using recommended resources to help you expand your comfort and accuracy beyond the basic reference page. You'll also learn about APA's bias-free language standards, which are reflected in most professional disciplines today. One-on-one appointments with your instructor are available if you'd like to work through how to apply APA standards to a current course assignment.

EDD-752 Support for Multilingual Writers (0 credits)

This class provides practice with strategies for graduate-level writing. The class meets synchronously, but you will attend only the meetings that you and the instructor decide are best for your writing needs. Topics covered include following APA guidelines, writing about quantitative data, expressing varying levels of certainty, etc. The goal of the course is to provide strategies and resources so that you can approach written assignments with confidence. One-on-one appointments with your instructor are available if you'd like to work together on some of your own course writing. Registration available throughout the semester with instructor's consent.

EDD-753 Source-Heavy Writing (0 credits)

This class offers strategies to bolster the resource management, synthesis, and documentation skills that play major roles in most all graduate writing. You'll learn what faculty - and your discipline! - expect from your writing at the graduate level and how source management can make the process more manageable, creative, and uplifting. The course offers a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online meetings in alternate weeks, and one-on-one appointments with your instructor are available if you'd like to share and work through some of your own course writing.

EDD-800 Dissertation Advisory I (3 credits)

In this first dissertation course, students identify a potential area for study, identify members of the dissertation committee, develop the initial research question, and complete a draft literature review.

EDD-801 Principles of Respnsve/Transf Leadership (3 credits)

In this course, students use principles of responsive and transformational leadership to analyze and define their own professional practice. Students explore the conceptual models, theories, and frameworks that will empower them as K-12 and higher education leaders.

EDD-802 Research in Educational Contexts (3 credits)

In this course, students read broadly and deeply from a variety of scholarly sources, identify potential areas of scholarly contribution, and define their interests in relation to existing research. They create an annotated bibliography structure providing the framework for their literature review.

EDD-803 Ethical Organizational Leadership (3 credits)

In this course, students explore principles and frameworks of ethical organizational leadership. They examine how their professional values inform responses to issues and challenges in educational contexts.

EDD-804 Research Methods (3 credits)

In this course, students analyze and evaluate diverse research paradigms and methods. They create an initial plan for a research method and explore the possibility of co-authorship.

EDD-810 Dissertation Advisory II (3 credits)

In this second dissertation course, students complete the introduction and literature review and begin development of the methodology section of their dissertation.

Prerequisite(s): EDD-815

EDD-811 Statistics & Data Analysis (3 credits)

In this course, students deepen their understandings of statistical and quantitative data and evaluate tools for effective analysis. They critically evaluate how statistics are used to support arguments and claims and identify appropriate tools and approaches for their own research design.

EDD-812 Equity in Diverse Educational Settings (3 credits)

In this course, students analyze diversity and equity issues and their impact in education. They propose strategies to address issues of disproportionality, inequity, and bias, and they design meaningful interventions.

EDD-813 Adv Research Methods & Data Analysis (3 credits)

In this course, students engage in deep study of advanced research methods. They identify methods aligned with their dissertation focus and complete a draft of their research methodology section of their proposal.

EDD-814 Scholarly Communication (3 credits)

In this course, students refine their power as writers and communicators, receiving substantive feedback on their dissertation as it nears completion. They evaluate ways to communicate their research findings in diverse publications, gaining experience in writing conference proposals, book prospecti, and peer-reviewed journal articles.

EDD-815 Dissertation Proposal Defense (0 credits)

In this assessment, the doctoral student submits the first three chapters of their dissertation to their dissertation committee, and then presents an engaging summary of the proposed research. The committee then engages the student in clarification and discussion of the ideas, identifying any potential areas of concern. The committee confers privately, then renders either a full approval, an approval contingent on revisions, or a request for significant changes and an additional proposal defense. If the proposal is approved, the committee also approves the student's IRB and forwards the IRB to the Education Division IRB Officer. The student submits the chapters, the presentation, a recording of the defense, and a self assessment to their Livetext portfolio. The student's proposal will be assessed using the Dissertation Rubric for the first three chapters. ABD track students only.

Prerequisite(s): EDD-810

EDD-819 Special Topics in Edu Research Methods (3 credits)

This course is offered to any student who is interested in a refresher on educational research methods. Students explore and evaluate diverse research method design, considering the benefits and constraints of various research paradigms and methods. They will identify an initial plan for a research method. Students will critically question how statistics are used to support arguments and claims, using and evaluating diverse tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis and identifying appropriate tools and approaches for their own research design. They will engage in critical research instruments selection (e.g., specific survey, focus group protocol, etc.), and select appropriate research methods, providing a defense and rationale.

EDD-820 Dissertation Advisory III (3 credits)

Dissertation Advisory 3 builds off of the design of student's dissertation study built in Advisories 1 and 2, and engages students in collecting all of their intended data for their dissertation. The articulation of the research question, which led into the literature review and methodology/ research design, has prepared students for this semester, in which they dive deeply into their identified area of scholarly investigation. They will connect regularly throughout the course with their dissertation advisor/chair and provide regular updates for the dissertation committee. As they gather your data, they will organize them, identifying and considering emerging trends, themes, and generalizable findings. They will use these themes to create the architecture of their Findings/ Chapter 4, and articulate a goal plan to prepare to write up their Chapter 4 and 5. Success in this course is dependent on active advancement of data collection and regular reflection on what data has been gathered, eliciting meaning from the data and remaining open to unanticipated findings. Students will also work collaboratively with peers, so that they can support each other in this pivotal course.

Prerequisite(s): EDD-815

EDD-821 Leadership, Educational Law, & Policy (3 credits)

In this course, students deepen their knowledge of the authority, liability, and legal responsibility of school personnel in public and private institutions, analyzing the impact of local, state and national constitutions, statutes, and court decisions on education. They analyze policy development as a political process and develop an understanding of power structures, the role of leadership in impacting policy, and dealing with influential groups and lobbies.

EDD-822 Governance, Management, & Finance (3 credits)

In this course, students study the organizational structure and administrative relationships in school settings through the lens of systems thinking and the study of administrative behavior. Students explore organizational theory; the collection and distribution of local, state, and federal revenue; problems and issues in funding education; and resource allocation.

EDD-823 Assess, Tech & Data/School Improvement (3 credits)

In this course, students explore the use of evaluative information for administrative decision making and the administration and evaluation of educational projects and programs. They develop the ability to assess needs, plan projects and programs, use technology for efficiency and effectiveness, and evaluate the impact of educational programs and decisions.

EDD-825 Superintendency: Climate, Personnel, & Supervision (3 credits)

In this course, superintendent candidates explore the commitment and skills required for success as a school superintendent. They study systematic leadership theory and best practices in instructional leadership, developing competencies that will enable them to create climates and capacities of learning across organizations.

EDD-826 Superintendency Practicum (3 credits)

In this supervised practicum course, superintendent candidates practice administrative leadership in a setting beyond an individual school site. They examine a range of challenges in school administration, develop and implement a practicum plan to meet the needs of the field experience and provide evidence of learning through the completion of a final portfolio.

Prerequisite(s): Take concurrent with EDD-827.

EDD-827 Superintendent Licensure Exit Portfolio (0 credits)

This portfolio provides evidence of the candidate's ability to accomplish the responsibilities of a school superintendent and is aligned to the Wisconsin Administrator Standards and the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders.

Prerequisite(s): Full EDD students, concurrent with EDD-826.

EDD-830 Dissertation Advisory IV (3 credits)

In this fourth dissertation course, students engage in data gathering and analysis, and begin write-up of the dissertation

Prerequisite(s): EDD-820

EDD-831 Higher Ed Legal Issues & Accreditation (3 credits)

In this course, students compare and contrast regional accrediting body expectations, with an emphasis on their regional IHE accrediting body. They apply what they learned about accreditation to write a proposal for a new degree program and prepare for a mock annual review.

EDD-832 Higher Education Curriculum & Assessment (3 credits)

In this course, students demonstrate their ability to work effectively and collaboratively with key higher education stakeholders and faculty. They examine and evaluate curricula, explore strategies for board and trustee engagement, and identify methods for effectively addressing student and faculty concerns and grievances.

EDD-833 Assess, Tech & Data-Higher Ed Setting (3 credits)

In this course, students analyze the tools and data used in program evaluation, including retention, graduation and attrition rates, evaluations of faculty, and enrollment trends and patterns. They use this analysis to design a program evaluation process for a higher education setting.

EDD-835 Higher Ed Roles, Resp, & Leadership (3 credits)

In this course, students explore the commitment and skills required for success as an IHE leader. They study systematic leadership theory and practice, developing professional competencies and skills that will enable them to create climates and capacities for learning across the organizations.

EDD-837 Dissertation Defense (0 credits)

In this assessment, the doctoral student submits the entire finished dissertation to their dissertation committee, and then presents an engaging summary of the research findings and implications. The committee then engages the student in clarification and discussion of the research, identifying any potential areas of concern. The committee confers privately, then renders either a full approval, an approval contingent on revisions, or a request for significant changes and an additional dissertation defense. If the dissertation is approved, the student submits the full dissertation, the presentation, a recording of the defense, and a self assessment to their Livetext portfolio. The dissertation will also be uploaded to the Alverno College library. The student's dissertation will be assessed using the Dissertation Rubric for all chapters.

Prerequisite(s): EDD students concurrent with EDD-840, EDD-830

EDD-838 Instructional Design: Fundamentals (3 credits)

In this course, you will develop and apply deep understanding of theories and practices of instructional design and assessment-as-learning related to your discipline/content and contexts in higher education institutions.

EDD-839 Teaching/Lrning in Diverse Ed Contexts (3 credits)

Develop deep understandings of the lived experiences, cultural knowledge and prior learning of the students you will encounter in higher education contexts. Incorporate these understandings into engaging, inspiring and authentic learning experiences in your content area(s) and related higher education academic programs.

EDD-840 Dissertation Defense & Dissemination (3 credits)

In this final dissertation course, students defend their dissertation, receive feedback, and make any needed revisions.

Prerequisite(s): Take concurrent with EDD-837.

EDD-850 Transf Ldrshp: Pract & Impact (3 credits)

In this course, students assess their current practice within the context of responsive and transformational leadership, define themselves as leaders, and describe how their leadership was informed by their research.

EDD-860 Dissertation V (3 credits)

Instructor permission only. Students use this course to complete and defend the dissertation if needed.

EDD-897 Dissertation Advisory Supplement (1-3 credits)