Integrating English Usage (ENG)

ENG-055 Integrating English Usage (0 credits)

The second language/dialect student has an opportunity to develop English writing, listening and speaking skills. The student focuses on strategies that will help with understanding peers and instructors, and be understood by them as well. The student engages in various oral and written activites which include participating in conversation, writing short papers, and listening to and comprehending of lectures, student discussions, and audio-visual materials.

ENG-056 Advanced English Usage (0 credits)

The advanced second language/dialect student has multiple opportunities to futher develop English reading and writing abilities. Reading and video selections provide background information and enhance knowledge of cultural concepts. Through discussion and small group work, the student develops an ability to summarize ideas in both oral and written formats. By analzying the grammatical and structural aspects of professionally and student written texts, the student becomes proficient with editing strategies.

ENG-057 Advanced English Pronunciation (0 credits)

This course focues on refining the English speaking skills of the advanced secong language student. Instruction enhances the student's previous understanding of the physical and affective factors of pronunciation. Audio-visual materials and oral exercises develop her ability to discriminate between and produce American English sounds, words, and discourse. The student also develops a method for assessing her needs and planning approriate learning strategies.

ENG-197 Independent Study (2 credits)

Under the approval and direction of a faculty member, independent study in college-level English reading, writing, speaking and listening is available to undergraduate students.

ENG-697 Independent Study (1-3 credits)

Under the approval and direction of a faculty member, independent study in college-level English reading, writing, speaking and listening is available to undergraduate students.