Student Organization Handbook

Approved by:  Student Engagement and Leadership

History:  Updated 2024

Related Policies: 

Related Forms, Procedures, and References: 

For Questions Contact: Student Engagement and Leadership | 414.382.6460 |

Student Engagement & Leadership Mission Statement

The Alverno College Department of Student Engagement & Leadership provides opportunities that are an extension of the classroom, providing a “seamless” learning environment that allows students to develop their leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

People to Contact

The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership is typically open from 9:00am to 5:00pm. We’re located on the first floor of Founder’s Hall.  Please come and visit us!

Trea Green

Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership

Office: FO 110-A

Phone: 414-382-6460

Email: or

Gillian Keller

Global Engagement & Multicultural Coordinator

Office: FO 110-B

Phone: 414-382-6099

Email:  or

Student Activities Board

Office: FO 112


Find us on Instagram (search @alverno.sel)!

Starting and Maintaining a Student Organization

Student Organizations at Alverno College

The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership serves as the coordinating unit for recognized student organizations.  Recognized organizations are guided by two important principles: community and self-governance. Success of a student organization depends upon shared decisions and responsibility by the organization’s members. Since organizations enjoy considerable self-governing authority, they also incur a large measure of collective responsibility.  To help assure community and self-governance, all student organizations are responsible for:

  • considering students for membership without regard to ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic declared unlawful by federal or state law.
  • meeting the Community Responsibilities for behavior outlined in the Student Handbook and acknowledges responsibility for the conduct and activities of members and guests.
  • complying with College policies and national organization regulations (if applicable).  Non-compliance results in the organizations' standing being put in jeopardy.
  • actions which damage the College's good name and reputation, or which violate College policy or the requirements of law.  The College recognizes that nationally affiliated organizations are internally self-governing, legal entities, responsible and liable for their organization's members and guests.

Starting a New Student Organization

Student organizations may apply through the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership. The Coordinator or Director of Student Engagement & Leadership will approve all new organizations, and may, if needed, call together a small committee to review applications. 

Student Engagement & Leadership reviews the new organization using the following criteria.  The Student Organization:

  • promotes personal development and accommodates the diverse needs of students.
  • extends opportunities to practice the eight abilities and to practice what they are learning in the classroom.
  • promotes the pursuit of knowledge, collaboration, and teamwork within the organization and with other organizations on campus.
  • prepares students for their profession and/or responsibilities of citizenship.
  • does not duplicate another organization’s purpose or efforts unless meeting the needs of a weekend audience versus a weekday audience.
  • is open to any student without regard to ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic which is declared unlawful by federal or state law.
  • has a constitution or statement of purpose.
  • has a faculty/staff advisor.
  • has at least 5 members.

Student organizations typically fall into seven categories: Academic/Professional, Multicultural, Special Interest, Spiritual/Religious*, Student Publications, Department Sponsored, and Greek Life**

* Written approval is required from the Department of Campus Ministry.  Please note that religious/spiritual groups are not allowed to proselytize on campus.

** Alverno does not allow sororities to “colonize” on campus.  Alverno does have relationships with sororities affiliated with city wide or national chapters that pull members from a variety of colleges and universities.  Contact the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership at 414-382-6460 with questions.

Step 1: Fill out a Request to Organize Form

To form a new organization on campus, students will need to complete the application for a new student organization; this application is available on-line at

The application requires the following information:

  • name of organization
  • statement of purpose
  • constitution (see template in the Appendix A)
  • name of advisor and acceptance email from advisor
  • names of active members (at least 5)

NOTE: If the student group is a part of a national organization, you need to include any membership requirements, a constitution, and mission/vision statement from the national organization.

Step Two: Get approval from the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership

Once the application is completed and submitted, the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership will review the application and follow up with questions if clarity is needed.  

Step Three: Find out about Policies & Resources

Once the student organization has officially been approved by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership, student leaders and group advisors are required to meet with the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership to review expectations, policies, and resources. 

Responsibilities of Student Organizations

Student Organizations are guided by two principles: community and self-governance.  Success of a student organization depends upon shared decisions and responsibility by all members of the organization.  All organizations are responsible for:

  • observing all laws and regulations of the College.
  • observing all laws and regulations governing the activities of the group.
  • registering the organization each semester to remain in good standing with the College.
  • sending representatives to monthly Student Group Council meetings.
  • communicating with and meeting with the local/national office of the organization, if pertinent.  On-campus visits should include a conference with the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership and the advisor(s) of the chapter.
  • providing financial resources for students who may not have the resources for membership or make payment arrangements if possible.
  • providing the environment and support to promote academic achievement.
  • encouraging members to take part in educational opportunities that will enhance their effectiveness as a leader.
  • including volunteer service and/or philanthropy opportunities among its annual projects.
  • using the services and resources the College offers before going to outside sources.

If there is conflict about leadership within an organization, the conflict first needs to be addressed by the executive board or active members.  If a group is unable to find a working solution that is amendable to all parties, they need to approach their advisor for assistance with problem solving.  The Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership is also able to offer assistance, but only if the problem has already been addressed with group members and the advisor. 

Organizations are encouraged to develop election procedures for nominating new leadership each year.  Elections offer the opportunity to develop new leaders, as well as to keep the mission fresh and alive among the majority of members.

Responsibilities of the Student Engagement & Leadership Department

The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership is responsible for:

  • assisting student organizations in their development and growth.
  • assisting student leaders in reviewing, modifying and updating organization policies.
  • maintaining files on national and local chapters of organizations.
  • maintaining records of organization functions.
  • maintaining records on membership, officers and advisors of organizations.
  • providing resources and workshops for leadership training.
  • providing assistance in developing educational, social, and professional programs.
  • assisting in finding faculty/staff advisors.
  • providing assistance in securing help from departments on campus.

Responsibilities of the Advisor

Every student organization must have an Alverno College faculty or staff advisor.   Organizations rarely become successful without the active involvement of an advisor. 

The Advisor is responsible for:

  • submitting a letter/email accepting and outlining the advisor’s role within the organization.
  • learning about the goals and objectives of the organization (or assisting in the development of goals).
  • attending regularly scheduled meetings.
  • discussing the organization’s goals and financial status and assisting with the development of programs within a budget.
  • knowing the organization’s constitution and by-laws.
  • being knowledgeable about College policies.
  • recognizing the general financial condition of the organization and encouraging the maintenance of sound financial records.
  • monitoring the organization’s functions and encouraging all members to participate and assume responsibility for the organization’s activities.  An advisor has the right to restrict any activity or event that violates College policy.
  • intervening in conflicts between members and/or officers.
  • providing continuity and stability as leadership changes.
  • contacting the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership to discuss organizational plans or concerns.

If an organization would like to switch advisors, a current group member must have a conversation with the advisor about concerns and/or the desire to switch before a new advisor is designated.  If an advisor wishes to resign, a letter or email must be sent to the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership.

Recognized Student Organizations

Recognition of a student organization means the organization has completed recognition procedures and received approval from the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership. Recognition does not imply the College endorses the views of the organization’s membership or the views expressed at meetings.  The organization members are responsible for views held or expressed.  Alverno College reserves the right to restrict use of the College’s name if deemed necessary.  Only student organizations that maintain good standing by following the policies and procedures will be authorized to use College facilities and services, or be permitted to identify themselves directly or indirectly with the College.  Organizations are required to follow the guidelines outlined in this section to maintain good standing.  The Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership reviews the activities of student organizations and monitors compliance with College policies.

Privileges of Recognized Student Organizations

Recognized Student Organizations may:

  • Use the College facilities for meetings and activities.*
  • Sponsor events and activities on campus.**
  • Recruit members on campus under the organization’s name.
  • Participate in the Student Involvement Fair.
  • Raise funds under the organization’s name, subject to the approval of the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership and within the fund raising guidelines.
  • List the organization in the Student Group Directory.
  • Promote events on campus bulletin boards and other designated posting areas.
  • Use campus services such as Event & Space Coordination (E.S.C.), Media Hub, Dining Services (Food Services, Inc.), and Print Services.
  • Participate in leadership development programs.
  • Use the student organization office (FO 110) and the resources contained within.
  • Apply for student organization budget funds.

* Student organizations may use the majority of space on campus free of charge for meetings and events.  However, fees may be assessed based on set-up or technical requirements. 

**If a national organization (with a student chapter on campus) wants to host an event at Alverno, student leaders are responsible for completing the event planning procedures (i.e. Space Request form, catering requests, etc.) and making sure current Alverno students are in attendance in order to avoid room rental fees.  Some fees may still apply. 

Membership Recruitment and Orientation Practices

Student organizations are encouraged to participate in the Student Involvement Fair every fall and spring semester to promote their group and recruit new members.  The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership will invite organizations to participate several weeks prior to the start of the fair.  Organizations are required to have a poster with information about the group’s mission, vision, and sponsored events (contact Student Engagement for size guidelines and printing procedures or visit the Student Organization Resources Moodle page).  Student Engagement & Leadership will provide each group with a sign-up sheet where interested students can list their name and email.  Student organizations are encouraged to follow up immediately with interested students about upcoming meetings or events.

Orienting new members of student organizations is an important means to retain membership.  New member orientation plans should be accompanied by a general schedule of planned activities.  The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership recommends a new member education period of no more than four weeks and requires that no initiation activities of any kind be held during Mid-Semester Assessments or the final three weeks of the semester.

Recruitment Practices and Periods must be

  • communicated to the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership.
  • open to all interested students.
  • free of alcohol and of all conduct and activities which violate any law, ordinance, or college policy.
  • in accordance with national and local chapter guidelines governing recruitment, education, and initiation activities.

Hazing Policy

Hazing is in violation of the human and civil rights of individuals and is not acceptable behavior.  Hazing will not be tolerated, regardless if the incident takes place on or off campus.  Alleged incidents of hazing will be reported to the Dean of Students and all parties involved will be subject to disciplinary action through the College Community Relations Board.

Student Group Council

Student Group Council meetings provide a forum for student organizations to share experiences, collaborate, and have a voice in the development of policies and procedures. Meetings are held six times a year (3 per semester), and are offered each month during an afternoon and evening time slot.  Every student organization is expected to send at least one representative to the monthly Council meetings.  Organizations not represented at two of the semester meetings may jeopardize the organization’s recognition and financial status.

Student Leadership Reception & Excellence in Leadership Awards

Student group members are invited to a leadership celebration each spring.  The Student Leadership Reception is open to all active group members and is designed to highlight and recognize student group accomplishments from throughout the year.  The reception is free to attend, and non-Alverno guests are welcome to attend if they RSVP with the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership.

At the reception the Excellence in Leadership Awards are presented.  The awards include:

  • Outstanding Student Organization
  • Outstanding Program
  • Outstanding Faculty/Staff Advisor
  • Outstanding Emerging Student Leader
  • Outstanding Student Employee
  • Dean of Students Senior Leadership Award

Criteria for the awards are available on-line.  Student groups are encouraged to nominate themselves or others for the awards on-line by going to, Groups are ineligible to win the same award in back-to-back years. 

Contact the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership with questions or about the nomination process.

Resources For Organizations

Student Organization Office

FO 110 is the designated office for student organizations.  This space has student group mail trays, three computers for student group work, commonly used forms, storage space, and general office and art supplies.  There is also a meeting room available on a first come, first serve basis.  Groups wishing to reserve a date and time in the meeting room should sign up on the calendar hanging on the meeting room door. 

La Verna Commons Lobby and Stage

Student Organizations and campus departments may reserve space in the La Verna Commons Lobby (FO 156) for tabling, publicizing events, and fundraisers.  Reservations may be made by submitting a request via Virtual EMS.

If an organization would like to use the La Verna Commons seating area (FO 161 for the whole space, FO 161A for the front stage half and FO 161B for the back window half) and stage for an event, reservations are made by submitting a request via Virtual EMS.  Approval of events in the Commons will depend on dining hours and other logistics.

Student Group Meeting Rooms

There are two meeting rooms off of the La Verna Commons designated for student use – FO 164 and FO 166.  These two rooms are reserved through Virtual EMS.  If these rooms are not available student groups can reserve other meeting rooms or classrooms on campus.

Dining Services

Aladdin is the company that provides dining services for Alverno.  Student organizations are required to use Aladdin catering services if they are planning an event on campus with food.  See page 25 under “Hosting Events with Food” for more details.

Leadership Development Resources

The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership is committed to assisting recognized student organizations to develop strong leadership and effective practices.   Members of the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership are available to serve as consultants for any leadership topic. In addition, the department also sponsors annual summer leadership “boot camps” and a spring leadership conference.

The Inferno Café

The Inferno Café offers a relaxing and informal meeting space.  The Inferno Café is not available to be reserved, and seating is on a first come, first serve basis.

The Inferno Café serves Colectivo Coffee, espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, blended coffee drinks, fruit smoothies, delicious bakery, and a variety of grab-and-go items. The Inferno Café is located on the first floor of Founders Hall and is in the center of “Bella Way” – the first floor Main Street.

Austin Hall Lounges

Austin Hall is one of Alverno’s residence halls.  The lounges are primarily for resident use; however, some of the common areas such as the first floor Formal Lounge or basement level Rec Room may be available for use by student organizations.  To inquire about reserving space in Austin Hall, contact Residence Life at

Office Printing 

Student organizations may apply for a special log-in account in order to print small amounts in the Student Organization’s Office (FO 110).  Student orgs should identify 1-3 leaders to fill out the form (available in hard copy in FO 110) and do printing on behalf of the group (i.e. agendas, posters, etc.). 

Event Vehicle Waiver

For any off-campus student group sponsored event where participants are carpooling, the Vehicle Usage policy must be followed and an Event Waiver is required.   The driver and all passengers in each individual car need to read, sign, and provide emergency contact information.  This form should be left with Campus Safety or Student Engagement & Leadership PRIOR to leaving for the event/trip. (See Appendix B)

Event Participation Waiver

For events that individuals are driving separately, but are still sponsored by the student group, an event waiver form needs to be submitted.  This gives Student Engagement & Leadership a list of participants, as well as insures that participants understand that there may be risks involved, and that individuals are taking responsibility for those risks. (See Appendix C)

Technology Usage

Student Group web sites (i.e. Facebook, Instagram etc.) may not violate copyright, libel, obscenity or other local, state or federal laws.  Student Organizations should be aware that any personal information published on the internet is available to the public.  Be judicious in the use of full names, phone numbers, photographs, and other personal information.

  • Maintain a high standard of conduct in your communication.  Accessing, or assisting others in downloading, uploading, transferring, posting, displaying, or printing of sexually explicit or pornographic images of any kind, or materials considered obscene, vulgar, harmful, hateful, harassing, threatening, defamatory, demeaning, or otherwise objectionable is a violation of College policy.  Sending material that is abusive, offensive, or unwanted may disrupt the work of others and is a violation of the policy.
  • The Alverno College name may only be used in an official context for College business.  To avoid misrepresentation of Alverno College, do not use the Alverno College name or any symbol, graphic, text, or logo associated with Alverno College in a manner implying endorsement of any political, social, or commercial activity or in a context that implies official endorsement by the College without prior written approval of Student Affairs or other appropriate College authority. 
  • Student web sites may not be used for the distribution or file sharing of copyrighted materials created by others. This includes music, video, software and multimedia files.
  • Students may not use personal web sites for commercial or financial gain. Any content promoting commercial sales or promotional advertising is prohibited.
  • Student web sites should not create a high volume of network traffic that interferes with the normal activities of the Alverno College network infrastructure
  • Student web sites must conform to policies in the Alverno Technology Use Policies and Alverno Student Handbook.
  • Students are responsible for development and maintenance of their own site.  Sites must be updated periodically.  If information is more than 6 months old, the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership will contact the group and ask for it to be updated.  If the site is not updated in a timely manner, Alverno College reserves the right to disable and/or remove the web page links.
  • Every effort should be made to ensure web pages are free of typographical and grammatical errors.

Title IX Policy

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."  In alignment with federal Title IX regulations, Alverno College has procedures to receive, investigate, respond to and resolve complaints of discrimination, including harassment based on gender.  This policy applies to conduct between men and women or between members of the same sex.  In this policy, “discrimination,” refers generically and inclusively to all forms of discrimination based on sex or gender, including sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, sexual assault and sexual violence. 

For any issues related to gender-based harassment and discrimination, students are encouraged to contact a Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinators are Ann Romei, Assistant Dean of Students (; 414.382.6372), and Jason Pilarski, Director of Campus Safety (; 414.382.6151).   For the full policy, please refer to the Alverno College Student Handbook.

Organization Finances

Financial Policies

Effectively handling money in your organization can be a tough job. The United States Government has issued several mandates that every organization must adhere to. Please follow these guidelines and regulations to keep in accordance with College requirements. Contact the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership with any questions.

Financial Expectations for Registered Student Organizations

Student Organizations can decide to be only an interest group with no financial transactions at all. However, if your group decides to fundraise, make purchases, collect fees etc., you will need the following financial information.


Student Organizations can apply for an annual budget through the Student Org Funding Committee, an independent sub-committee of Alverno Student Government.

The maximum amount a group can request for their annual budget is determined by how long they’ve been active on campus and/or need.  This funding has three tiers.

  • Less than 1 year active on campus
    • Not eligible for an organization budget, but the group can apply for the Student Org Programming Fund to get funding for specific programs.
    • This applies to groups that were not formed before November 1 of the current academic year. 
  • 1-2 years active on campus
    • Eligible for a maximum allocation of $200.00
  • 3-4 years active on campus
    • Eligible for a maximum allocation of $300.00
  • 5+ years active on campus
    • Eligible for a maximum allocation of $400.00

If an organization receives a budget, there is criteria attached to the funding.  The primary purpose of this funding is to help student organizations grow by sponsoring campus programs and sharing their interests with the broader campus community.  You can use this funding for:

  • Fees for performers, speakers, presenters (contracts required and must have staff approval)
  • Event decorations / supplies
  • Internal catering requests
  • Promotional giveaways
  • Prizes or thank-you gifts
  • Transportation to and from group sponsored events
  • Conference / hotel fees (must not exceed ½ of total budget)

You cannot use org money on the following things:

  • Materials that will be donated (i.e. toys for a Toys for Tots drive)
  • Items for a bake/food sale
  • Food and fuel while at a conference
  • Your entire budget on materials only for the use of the group (Note: some funds can go toward member t-shirts as long as your group is also sponsoring campus wide programming)

These funds are housed in college accounts under the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership.  Each group’s budget will be tracked by the Student Engagement & Leadership Staff as well as the group’s designated treasurer (if no treasurer is designated, this responsibility should fall on the president or primary leader of the organization).

How to Use Budget Money

Check Requisitions & Purchase Orders
  • Check reqs. used to pay performers/presenters
  • Purchase Orders (P.O.’s) used to pay pre-approved vendors
  • Will need to have a contract, order form, or invoice listing services or products
  • Procedures –
    • Contact Student Engagement with request/questions as soon as possible or at least 2 weeks prior to event date.
Staff Credit Card
  • For on-line or specialty purchases
  • To pay for conference/lodging fees
  • Procedures –
    • Contact Student Engagement 2-3 weeks prior to when you need the product in hand (earlier if shipping/production is a factor) or to schedule an appointment to register for a conference (earlier if you can receive early-bird registration rates)
Internal Charges
  • For catering, printing, and A-Store purchases and services
  • Procedures –
    • Catering: Use EMS to attach catering items and equipment to your space reservation.  Charges will go to Student Engagement and will be subtracted from your budget total.
    • Print Services:  Cc: Trea on any email communication with Print Services whether asking for a quote or placing an order.  Charges will be subtracted from your budget total.
    • A-Store: Approved purchaser coordinates internal charge with Student Engagement
Rules for maintaining funding eligibility:
  1. Groups must present two active programs each semester and submit program evaluations for all College funded programs. One program must be sponsored within the first six weeks of school.
  2. Groups cannot spend more than half of their allotted budget on conference attendance.
    1. Groups using College money for a conference must bring back a program.
  3. Funds will NOT roll over, and must be spent by May 10th.  Plan wisely.  We will not spend money just to spend it at the end of the year.
  4. Organizations must regularly attend Student Group Council meetings to retain eligibility for funding.
  5. Each group’s treasurer and/or president must be trained on budget and spending procedures.  Student Engagement & Leadership will notify group leaders when training sessions are being offered.
Annual Budget Request Process

Every spring semester the Alverno Student Government budget sub-committee will sponsor the process for requesting funds for the upcoming school year.  Groups will be asked to

  • Assemble information about your organization’s leaders and activities from the current school year.
  • Fill out a ‘Student Org Budget Request’ form and provide all the requested information.
  • Sign up for a 15-minute time slot to present to the Student Org Funding Committee
    • 5-minutes: Describe your organization, the things you have done this year, and your aspirations moving forward.
    • 5-minutes: The committee explains the requirements for student org funding and expectations for the upcoming year of programming.
    • 5-minutes: For your questions and any additional committee questions.
  • Prepare a 5-minute presentation on what your org has been doing and your goals for the future.
  • Receive a decision on your funding request before the end of the school year.
Activity and Conference Fund
  • This fund is for larger programs that student organizations would like to sponsor.
  • Brand new organizations who are ineligible for an annual budget are eligible to receive funding for programs through the Activity and Conference Fund.
  • Programs funded through this fund must be available to and of interest to the broader campus community (i.e. not just a single group’s membership).
  • Groups can receive up to $200 annually from this fund to help send their members to conferences related to their organization’s mission.
    • If groups utilize this fund and their allotted budget to sponsor conference attendance then they must bring back two programs.


  • Financial records should be retained for a minimum of five years. This can be accomplished by keeping a treasurer binder and/or sealing all records in an envelope or box at the time of transfer to the new treasurer/bookkeeper. The data to destroy the information should be clearly identified on the container to ensure future officers know the proper date.
  • All expenses for your organization should be tracked using a declining balance sheet provided by Student Engagement & Leadership is the group has received a Student Org Budget. 
  • Student organizations who wish to do fundraising should open an external bank account of their choosing.  Deposits can NOT be made to the student group’s College account.  If money is raised and is not immediately spent on a program, then the money should be put into a checking or saving account off-campus.
  • Develop a budget.  Sound financial planning is important for an organization's strength, stability, and permanence. Budgeting is an important planning tool and an integral part of program planning. A budget is a projection of income and expenses but can be revised as plans change. Prepare a budget for your organization with expected income and expenses for the year.  Income possibilities are membership dues and fundraising events that may include ticket sales or donations.  Expenses could include printing and duplicating, equipment, postage, travel, national or regional membership dues, and Dining Services costs. Examples of expenses for special events include speaker/entertainment fees, officials, space rental, mileage, lodging, publicity, receptions, and sales tax.

Sponsoring An Event

On-Campus Events/Fundraisers

In order to sponsor an event on-campus, space must be reserved on-line through Virtual EMS (the College’s event management/room reservation system).

Student leaders should talk with their org advisor and group members prior to planning an on-campus event.  In addition, space should be reserved prior to advertising the event.

Student Groups/Classes are limited to hosting a total of 3 fundraisers (of any kind) per semester.  Groups are not allowed to hold a fundraiser for more than two days in any given week.

Off-Campus Events/Fundraisers

Groups who are participating in or sponsoring off-campus activities (including fundraisers) need to submit an on-line Off-Campus Event Approval Form found at  This form should be submitted at least 1-2 weeks prior to the event. 

An off-campus event is any event that takes place in a facility not owned by the College. Student organizations participating in off-campus events represent Alverno College and reflect the image of the institution, as well as the organization.  Inappropriate behavior, even though occurring off campus, falls within the jurisdiction of the College and may result in disciplinary action.  The following responsibilities pertain to participation by student organizations in events, activities, and programs away from the College campus.

  1. A copy of the properly completed contract with the off-campus establishment must be filed with the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership at least 72 hours before the event.  For the protection of the organization, a written contractual agreement must be made with any off- campus establishment.  The organization must obtain written approval from the organization’s advisor.
  2. All financial obligations are the responsibility of the student organization and must be met in accordance with the contract.
  3. The student organization is responsible for abiding by current state statutes regarding alcohol.
  4. The student organization and its officers are directly responsible for the behavior and general welfare of both the organization and its individuals.  Advisors must be aware of the event in advance and should attend, if possible.
  5. The student organization officers and the advisor(s) must ensure social events are properly planned and orchestrated.  If the organization arranges for alcohol, it should take adequate steps to prevent underage students or guests from drinking.  Any student organization sponsored event that takes place on campus that includes alcohol must be purchased and served by Dining Services personnel. Even if the organization does not arrange for alcohol to be served, the organization is still responsible for preventing underage drinking.
  6. The organization must stop the consumption of alcohol by an intoxicated person. Because of their positions in the organization, the president and advisor may be legally liable if the aforementioned are not carried out.
  7. If problems arise disciplinary action may occur.

Food and Bake Sale Policy

This policy applies to all registered student organizations and athletic clubs interested in utilizing a food sale to generate funds for their organization or team. 


For the protection of the student organization/team and for those purchasing food, the following precautions must be taken.

  1. The majority of products must be made by students or other members of the group, and sold by student members.  Commercially-packaged products that specifically say “not for individual sale” are prohibited.
  2. Food which requires refrigeration must be first approved through the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership. 
  3. Beverages must first be approved through the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership.
  4. Food must be cooked thoroughly before being brought to campus or served.  Food that needs to be warmed must be contained in chafing dishes or crock pots. 
  5. All “loose” food sale items shall be individually wrapped, at the original point of preparation (i.e. cookies, cakes, brownies, etc.).   Napkins or other appropriate materials must be provided to pick up food items that are not individually wrapped, such as rolls, or they should be individually bagged prior to sale. 
  6. All food handlers must wear gloves when working with food that is not individually wrapped.
  7. Food sale items shall be transported in a covered, dust-proof container. 
  8. Individuals conducting the baking, wrapping or sale of food shall thoroughly wash their hands before handling the product.
  9. Apply good sanitation practices in the storage, preparation, and display of food.
  10. All products must be labeled with a list of the ingredients.
  11.  A sign or placard stating “Homemade/Not Inspected” must be posted at each sale location; as well as “Food may contain nuts, dairy and other allergens.”

Bake/Food sales are limited to the La Verna Commons Lobby and the Christopher Hall Lobby.

In order to ensure the same opportunity is given to all interested groups, organization, or teams must follow these rules:

  • Groups are limited to three (3) food/bake sales (any combination) per semester. 
  • Groups cannot hold a food/bake sale longer than two days in any given week.  The days do not need to be consecutive, but cannot exceed two days per week.
  • No more than one (1) student organization or team may hold a food sale per day, except under unusual circumstances. 

Food and Clothing Drives

The La Verna Commons Lobby in Founders Hall and the Christopher Hall 2nd Floor Ramp have been identified as collection sites for on-campus donation drives.  All donation drives shall utilize the bins located in the FO and CH donation centers.  Any exceptions must receive prior approval from Student Affairs and Public Areas Committee.  Donation space is reserved through Virtual EMS and bins can be reserved for up to 4 weeks. 

La Verna Commons Lobby & Christopher Hall

Both collection sites in Founders Hall and Christopher Hall each contain four permanent bins . Student groups, classes, and departments can reserve one of the four bins in each location for up to four weeks on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Competing drives during the same time frame will not be approved (i.e. two coat collections in January).  However, there can be four different drives happening at the same time (i.e. a food drive, a coat drive, and a hygiene product drive). The sponsoring group is responsible for removing items from all donation bins at the end of each week (or more often if needed). 

Hosting Events with Alcohol

The student organization officers and the advisor(s) must ensure social events are properly planned and orchestrated.  Alcohol for events sponsored by student organizations on campus must be purchased and served by Alverno College Dining Services staff.  The organization is still responsible for preventing underage drinking even if the organization did not arrange for alcohol to be served.   The organization must stop the consumption of alcohol by an intoxicated person. Because of their positions in the organization, the president and advisor may be legally liable if the aforementioned are not carried out.

Hosting Events with Food

Alverno College recognizes student organizations have limited budgets; therefore, it is strongly encouraged all organizations explore food and beverage options with Alverno’s Dining Services Department before scheduling the event.   Food for sponsored campus events must be purchased through Dining Services unless otherwise approved.

Student Organizations may provide their own food and beverages for meetings, fundraisers, or for off-campus events. 

Large Event Policy

To ensure the safety of Alverno College students, staff, and faculty attending events on campus, the following guidelines are established for: events where we expect more than 50 participants, which are open to the public; and/or where we serve alcohol.   Organizers of the event are responsible to:

  1. Submit a space reservation via Virtual EMS.
  2. Secure one or several faculty/staff chaperones to attend the event (several people can rotate throughout the night).  The name(s) of the faculty/staff must be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership BEFORE the event will be approved and advertised.
  3. Make an appointment with Student Engagement & Leadership no later than 21 business days prior to the dance, party or event to review the invited audience, marketing plan, DJ or band information, admission costs, check-in procedures, etc. for the dance, party or event.
  4. Parties may not go beyond 4 hours and must end by midnight.
  5. Prevent guests under 18 years of age from attending unless the event is specifically advertised as a family event (consult with the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership)
  6. Publicity may not include advertisements for alcohol.  (See the Advertising Guidelines in the Student Handbook.)
  7. Meet with Dining Services to discuss the event. 
  • All alcoholic beverages, food and other beverages must be purchased through Alverno’s Dining Service.
  • Sufficient food and soft drinks must be served.
  • Dining Services must provide a licensed bartender.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be provided free of charge.  Alcoholic beverages may be dispensed and consumed only in designated areas.   The Bartender is responsible for checking IDs and will not serve to minors, be alert and aware of signs of intoxication, will not serve to person(s) who are intoxicated and will notify the supervisor if, in their judgment, they should cease serving alcohol to a customer, and will charge for alcoholic beverages (no free drinks are allowed).

Campus Safety should be notified about any large campus event on campus.  Unless otherwise arranged, an officer will not be stationed solely at the event location, but will try to do frequent rounds through the event.  Security Officers will:

  • watch that guests are not bringing in alcohol, and/or are not under obvious influence of drugs and/or alcohol. 
  • ask individuals who do not comply with policies, who demonstrate unacceptable behavior, who bring in alcohol/drugs, or who demonstrate being under the influence of drugs/alcohol to leave the Alverno College Campus.
  • check suspicious persons for possession of weapons, alcohol, and/or drugs.
  • monitor the exit and reentrance of guests of the event and rotate between outside, check-in and the dance area.
  • terminate the event (after consulting with the advisor and sponsors of the group) and call the Milwaukee Police Department if it is known that someone possesses a weapon or if there is other suspicious or questionable behavior.

Large Event Planning Check List

q Secure faculty or staff representative(s) to attend the entire event

q Reserve space through Virtual EMS.

q Discuss and create a plan with your group about who is the intended and expected audience, how and where are you advertising the event, how are you going to handle check-in procedures, what food and beverages do you need (carding procedures if there will be alcohol)

q Meet with the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership to discuss your plan (3 weeks prior to event)

q Communicate your set-up needs to Event & Space Coordination (2 weeks prior to event)

q Communicate your catering needs to Dining Services and submit order (2 weeks prior to event)

q Communicate your security needs/concerns to Campus Safety (2 weeks prior to event)

q Discuss safety concerns and procedures with group members and advisors working/attending the event (i.e. how and when to contact Campus Safety, where the nearest house phone is, what to do in case of a fire alarm, what to do if a fight breaks out, what to do in case of alcohol misuse, etc.)

Events in Austin Hall

If you have reserved space in Austin Hall (Pipeline, Formal Lounge), and you expect LESS than 50 people, guests attending the event must check in at the Reception Desk.  If you expect MORE than 50 guests the sponsoring student organization must request a separate check-in table adjacent to the Reception Desk in the lobby for guest check-in.  Guests must enter and exit through the main (west) entrance of Austin Hall only.  Guests must sign-in upon arrival and check-out when they leave, but they do not need to leave a photo ID.  Guests are not allowed on resident floors unless formally checked in at reception desk with a current Alverno College resident (and photo ID).

Failure to abide by procedures may result in disciplinary action.

Political Activity Policy & Guidelines

Alverno College values the opportunity for free expression of political views by members of the Alverno community and is committed to the value of discourse and debate as an essential component of a liberal education.  At the same time, the college must also comply with the provisions governing its tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The College must maintain a non-partisan, educational status.   Federal statute stipulates that non-profit, tax exempt institutions of higher education are prohibited from participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.   College Policy:

  1. Alverno College promotes effective citizenship and encourages participation in the political process.
  2. Students, staff, or faculty may freely engage in and comment on political issues as individual citizens but must clarify the expressed opinions are their own and do not represent the official position of the College. 
  3. Use of the College’s name, letterhead, or logo on any written materials used for political purposes, such as solicitation of funds or other contributions in support of a political party or political activities, is prohibited. 
  4. Unless a candidate for public office is of significant stature as to warrant an invitation from the Office of the President, hosting of political candidates for educational purposes should generally be left to faculty within academic departments or the appropriate Alverno College recognized student group.
  5. If a faculty member, academic department, or the college itself chooses to invite an individual candidate to speak on campus about his or her political activities or campaigning, every attempt should be made to provide opposing candidates the same opportunity.
  6. If any member of the College community is contacted by a political official to organize an appearance on campus, the Marketing Department should be immediately notified and updated with information. The Marketing Department coordinates all public affairs on campus.

Approved by the Quality of Campus Life Committee, March 2004

Political Posting and Canvassing

Posting of political materials must adhere to the Posting Guidelines Canvassing (mass distribution of fliers in common areas) is not allowed.  Alverno student organizations or individuals wishing to distribute political postings should include a contact name or name of sponsoring group.   Individual students who wish to engage in the political process are encouraged to connect with the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership.   As a reminder, opinions promoted are the opinions of Alverno students and members of an organization.  Alverno College does not support any one specific candidate.

Screening of Films

Student Organizations are to be aware the federal copyright law prohibits the use of videocassettes and DVD’s to private showings without prior consent of the holder of the copyright.  All films being shown for entertainment purposes require clearance for its performance.  Organizations requesting to show a film on campus must reserve space through EMS and contact Student Engagement & Leadership about obtaining the rights and permission to show the film. For more information on copyrights or information on how to obtain permission visit the Copyright website at or

When showing a film for educational purposes, student groups are required to follow the format listed below. 

  1. The film viewing is only open to the members of the student organization.
  2. The event cannot be advertised through a social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) announcement or by distributing paper flyers.  An email to group members is permitted.
  3. To set context for the films, the presenter will share background information about the making of the film, and reflections of the filmmakers and actors on the issues explored in the film.
  4. After setting context for the movie, the presenter will hand out a news article or share visual media as a prelude for discussion of a local, national, or international current event related to the issues that will be explored in the film.
  5. Show the movie.
  6. Following the movie the presenter will lead a discussion using prepared questions that encourage the use of Alverno’s eight abilities to reflect on the film.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in federal fines and/or sanctions from the College.

Table and Room Reservations

All table space and room reservations must be made through Virtual EMS.  Student Organizations may reserve rooms in Founders Hall, Christopher Hall, the Sister Joel Read Center, Alexia Hall and Austin Hall for meetings and events.  A student organization may be assessed a small fee through Event & Space Coordination depending on the site requested and set-up requirements. 

Questions about Virtual EMS can be directed to Student Engagement & Leadership or Event & Space Coordination.

Visiting Speakers and Public Performances

Visiting speakers, public performances, and the screening of films must be approved by the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership at least two weeks prior to the date of the event.

When hosting speakers on campus, student organizations must reserve space through EMS and notify Student Engagement & Leadership (please include a biography and/or resume of the speaker including a written description of the purpose of the performance).  If a speaker/performer charges a fee, all contracts, negotiations, and payments need to go through Student Engagement & Leadership.

Publicizing Your Event

Advertising and Posting Procedures

Policy Statement 

he La Verna Commons Lobby is the posting area for Founders Hall.  There are additional posting areas on the second floor of Athletics & Fitness, the second floor of Christopher Hall and in the Clare/Corona lobby.  Student Engagement & Leadership is responsible for posting all event/dated materials and notifications in the designated posting areas e.g. academic fliers, campus resources and updates, travel classes/opportunities, volunteer opportunities, on/off campus events, rentals and sales.  Postings can be dropped off in the Student Engagement & Leadership office (FO 110).   All materials for campus posting must be approved and stamped by Student Engagement & Leadership and will be approved for up to 4 weeks prior to the advertised event.  Postings and/or banners without an approval stamp or located in undesignated areas will be removed and discarded.  The approval stamp is neither an endorsement of the activity or of the quality of the publicity.  The college is not responsible for damaged or destroyed postings. 

NOTE: Separate School and Division bulletin boards for major/division specific postings will be available in Christopher Hall, Alphonsa Hall, Corona Hall, Clare Hall, and the north end of Founders Hall.  These areas will be maintained by the individual School/Division. [Student Engagement & Leadership size and content guidelines do not apply to division bulletin boards.]

16 postings per event will be accepted in Student Engagement & Leadership. 

  • One will be displayed in the designated area in the La Verna Commons Lobby
    • Accepting on and off campus events, job postings, volunteer opportunities
  • One will be displayed in the Athletics & Fitness Floor Hallway
    • Accepting on and off campus events, job postings, volunteer opportunities
  • One will be displayed in the Alexia/Christopher 2nd floor ramp
    • Accepting on-campus event postings only
  • One will be displayed in the Clare/Corona Lobby
    • Accepting on-campus event postings only
  • Twelve will be distributed in the residence halls (8 ½” x11” only)

Posting materials must be error-free, legible and include the following:

  • Name of department or sponsoring group.
  • What, when, where, cost, how to register, and who to contact for more information.
  • A blank 2”x2” space in the lower right hand corner for the Student Engagement approval stamp.
  • Size:  For the three lobby spaces either 8 ½” x 11” or 11”x17” will be accepted.  The residence halls will only accept 8 ½” x 11”. Postings larger than this may not be accepted.

Content Guidelines

Student Engagement & Leadership reserves the right to refuse posting non-college related material that may be a conflict of interest or violate campus policies, criteria, or procedures.  Interpretation of content resides with Student Engagement & Leadership.  The following are not permitted for college or non-college related material: 

  • Content that is threatening, harassing or invading the privacy of others.
  • Pornographic material, explicit implied vulgarity, or pictures or statements perceived as obscene, offensive or insensitive to any religious, ethnic, age or gender group.
  • Materials promoting, displaying or implying the use of alcohol or illegal substances.

Banner Policy

  • Banner space is available above the posting area in the La Verna Commons Lobby only.  Space is limited and must be reserved in through Student Engagement & Leadership.  Banners will be posted for up to 3 weeks.
  • Posters and banners may not cover up other postings.
  • All postings and displays will be removed and discarded within 24 hours after the event.

Mailbox Distribution

  • The college mailboxes may not be used for selling or soliciting without sponsorship by an office, department or registered student group. 
  • Residence hall mailboxes are subject to federal statutes and policies governing the mail.  Check with Residence Life, 414-382-6372, for specific regulations concerning mailings or postings for the residence halls. 

Table Reservation

Tables can be reserved for one week in the La Verna Commons Lobby for displays connected to an upcoming event.  For example, if a student group or department wants to promote and recruit for the Heart Association Walk they could leave materials on the table for up to a week and staff the table with volunteers during peak traffic times.  To reserve a table in the La Verna Commons Lobby please submit an on-line request through EMS.  

Postings are NOT allowed in the following areas:

  • Chapel Lobby, Sister Joel Read Center, Alphonsa Hall, Alexia Hall, and Christopher Hall (with the exception of academic division bulletin boards).
  • Restrooms and elevators.
  • Doorways and windows.
  • Grounds, trees, shrubs, cars, snow.
  • Resident rooms and/or doors.

Display Signs

lFoor standing display signs (holding 22x28 posters) or banners created by Marketing (see picture below) may be used on the day of an event for check-in or directional purposes, but must be placed out of the flow of traffic. The following areas are approved areas for ONE standing display the day of the event.

  • Alphonsa Lobby
  • Alexia Lobbies (ground floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor)
  • The Loft
  • Clare/Corona Lobby
  • Chapel Lobby
  • Library Entrance


Chalking on campus grounds is prohibited, with the exception of recognized student organizations.  Student Organizations are allowed to chalk by Alexia Hall, Austin Hall, Clare Hall, and Christopher Hall only.  Requests to chalk on sidewalks around campus must receive approval from the Department of Student Engagement and Leadership.

Note:  As the College adjusts to its new spaces and traffic patterns, the posting policy will continue to be adapted as needed.  Feedback is always welcome – email

Advertising Resources

  • Austin and Clare Hall Announcements are made nightly in the residence hall.  Submit an announcement at
  • Banner Paper – This paper is great for banners, art projects, table decorations, etc.  Paper is accessible in the Student Engagement & Leadership Office (FO 110) during business hours. 
  • Button Machine - This button machine creates 1½ inch buttons.  Complete the Button Form and return to Student Affairs.  Please provide front design inserts and allow one week for assembly.  Button template can be downloaded from, click on Student Affairs.
  • Digital TVs – Submit an ad to run on digital TVs throughout campus at
  • Napkin Dispensers in Commons

Advertising space is limited to one week and must be reserved through Student Engagement & Leadership, FO 110 or 414-382-6869.  Reservations will be on a first-come, first-served basis.  Inserts must be 4 ½” by 6 ½” in size and delivered to Student Engagement by 5pm Friday.  Inserts are limited to a quantity of 80 and will be removed and discarded within 24 hours after the event. 


Fundraising Policy

Student Organizations are encouraged to sponsor fundraising activities.  Only recognized student organizations may sponsor a fundraising activity.  Fundraisers are defined as any sales, including raffles, lotteries, bake sales, food sales, jewelry, and clothing sales.  A fundraising calendar is kept in the Student Engagement & Leadership office in FO 110.  Check the calendar to find available dates.

All fundraising activities must be approved by the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Leadership through the submission of an Event/Fundraiser Approval Form.  Fundraising activities must be consistent with the mission of Alverno College and comply with all local, state, and federal laws.  Promoting credit card applications and/or sale of alcohol will not be permitted. 

Organizations sponsoring food or bake sales must follow the guidelines listed in the Policy Section.  Bake/Food sales may be held in the La Verna Commons Lobby and the Christopher Hall Lobby.  Organizations should plan well in advance to ensure the date and location for the fundraiser is available.

Fundraising for Charities

Student organizations must make sure the charity is legitimate and complies with the Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) before fundraising activities begin.   Student organizations raising funds for a non-profit charity must obtain written consent from the charity prior to holding the fundraiser.   Often organizations hold food drives or clothing drives and then decided where the items would go afterwards.  Though well intentioned, these items may not be what the charity needs at the time.   Consult with the charity ahead of time to determine their fundraising needs.  If raising money for another organization, please note that all checks should be made out to the name of your organization and checks/cash deposited into an external bank account before your organization writes a check (again from your external account) to the receiving charity.


Student Organizations generally raise funds for raffles through the solicitation of businesses.  Only those businesses listed in the Permissible Prospects List may be contacted for goods or funds, except for those businesses with noted exceptions, for support of their organization’s activity.  Organizations should remember to write appropriate thank-you letters as follow up when money or goods are given.  Questions regarding the list can be directed to the Coordinator of Student Activities & Leadership.  Outside vendors, such as banks or cell phone companies, are not allowed to solicit on campus unless sponsored through the Development Office.


The selling of raffles involves separate procedures than the selling of goods for fund raising. Raffle procedures are outlined by the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing and are not subject to change or interpretation by Alverno College.  Alverno College holds a raffle license that may be used by campus organizations.  Alverno College is required to report ALL raffle activities to the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Administration and Division of Gaming in order to maintain a valid license.   In order to accurately record and report raffles sponsored by student organizations or college departments, the following procedures must be followed:

Getting a raffle approved:

Student Organizations and Campus Departments must contact Student Engagement & Leadership least 2 weeks prior to the start of the raffle.  A copy of a raffle ticket must be submitted for approval as well (a ticket template will be emailed upon request).  Raffles will NOT be approved until the ticket design is approved.

Please note that the ability to hold a raffle is not guaranteed and that advance notice is necessary for approval. No two student organizations or campus departments will be allowed to hold raffles at the same time.  For raffle information email

Holding a raffle:

Sponsoring organizations are required by state statue to sell raffle tickets face-to-face in order to provide the buyer with their portion of said ticket at the time of purchase and the purchaser must be present to enter their name and address on the drawing stub portion of the ticket.  Phone, Internet, mail, and any other form of non face-to-face sales are strictly prohibited by both federal and state law (Game 44.03).

Please make sure you do the following:

  1. Submit your raffle ticket to the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership for approval.
  2. A copy of the raffle license must be displayed prominently during times of active selling of raffle tickets.
  3. Publicity must clearly state how the funds from the raffle will be used, the procedure for awarding prizes, and when the prizes will be awarded.
  4. Provide a list of prizes when actively selling tickets.
  5. All raffle drawings must be held in public.
  6. If a raffle drawing is cancelled, the sponsoring organization shall refund receipts to the ticket purchasers.

Concluding a raffle:

Please submit the following items to the Department of Student Engagement & Leadership 24 hours after the raffle drawing:

  1. Completed Raffle Report
  2. Borrowed copy of the raffle license
  3. A BLANK printed raffle ticket
  4. ALL raffle ticket stubs used in the drawing
  5. Winning raffle ticket stubs (separate these from the non-winning raffle ticket stubs).  Please rubber band in bundles.

Failure to abide by the following procedures and to submit the required paperwork will result in loss of raffle privileges.

PLEASE NOTE: Raffles are different from prize drawings.  If you are selling tickets in exchange for the chance to win prizes, this is considered a raffle and the procedures listed above must be followed.  If people are entering their names to win prizes and there is no exchange of money, this is considered a prize drawing.

Appendix A: Student Organization Constitution Template

This sample is provided for use as a guideline only.  If you like this format, you may use this document as a template.  Simply delete this introductory paragraph, put your group’s name at the top, and fill in the sections with information relevant to your organization. 

Your group’s actual constitution may be expanded or abbreviated but must include the following asterisked (*) sections below in order to be considered an officially recognized student group at Alverno College.

* -Components marked with an asterisk are required for Alverno student groups

Article I – Name

* Section 1 – The name of this club or organization shall be [insert the formal name by which the student group shall be officially known.]

Article II – Purpose/Mission Statement

* Section 1 – The purpose of this organization shall be to [insert the organization’s defined purpose (to promote, to organize, to educate, etc.) and if available, its mission statement.]

* Section 2 – [Name of Organization] shall abide by all Alverno College policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Handbook and Student Group Handbook.

Article III – Affiliations

* Section 1 – [Identify any local, regional, national, or international groups with which the student organization is affiliated.  This section may be removed if the organization is not affiliated with an entity other than Alverno College.]

Article IV – Membership

* Section 1 – Alverno College students must comprise 100% of the student group’s membership

* Section 2 – [Insert eligibility requirements, such as successful academic progress or good standing with the College Judicial board which may be required for eligibility that do not illegally discriminate.]

* Section 3 – Membership in this organization is open to all meeting the above criteria, irrespective of race, creed, color, gender, class, age, nation of origin, nationality, disability, marital status, religion, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

Article V – Officers/Executive Board

* Section 1 – The officers of this organization shall be: [Insert the number of officers, their titles, and their duties.  An organization must identify at least one presiding officer and one financial officer.]

* Section 2 – [Insert qualifications for each office, if any.  For example, “Members must have been a member of the group for at least one calendar year to be eligible to run for election as president.”]

* Section 3 – [Insert the term length of each position.  Being specific may be helpful, like “…one year from May 1 through April 30.”  Be careful to include provisions for holding elections before an officer’s term expires.]

* Section 4 – [Insert provisions for removing an officer, in the event it is necessary.]

* Section 5 – [Insert whether reports from officers to the membership will be required.  If the organization decides they are required, how often will they be made?  How will they be made available?]

Article VI – Elections

Section 1- Election of officers shall be held [Insert the month of elections and specify which member of the organization will oversee them.  Who will announce elections?  The candidates?  The results?  A provision should be made that specifies how far in advance election meetings will be announced.]

Section 2 – [Insert procedures for filling vacancies in positions.]

Section 3 – [Insert procedures for voting in elections.  Some organizations make provisions for a secret ballot, for example, whereas some feel a vote by a show of hands is best.  What percentage of those voting shall constitute a candidate’s election?  Consider procedures for election proceedings in which no candidate has won.]

Article VII – Meetings

* Section 1- Regular meetings of this organization shall be held [Specify the frequency of meetings.  Determine who has the authority to call a meeting and who has the responsibility of notifying members of the meetings and how it should be done.  For example, “The Secretary shall notify members of the business meeting, via email, no later than five business days in advance of the meeting.”]

* Section 2- Quorum shall consist of [insert the number or percentage of] voting members.  [A quorum is defined as the number or percentage of the total membership that must be present at a meeting in order to conduct the business of the organization.]

Section 3 – The [specify edition] edition of Robert’s Rules of Order [or Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure] shall govern meetings of this group within the requirement s of this constitution and bylaws adopted by the membership of this organization. [Student groups are not required to follow these procedures standards, but it the group decides to do so, it should be articulated in the constitution.

Article VIII – Advisors

* Section 1 – There shall be at least one full time Alverno College faculty or staff advisor who shall serve as an advisor to the organization.

Section 2 – [Insert a description of how the advisor will be selected.]

Section 3 – [Insert a description of the duties or responsibilities of the advisor.  The description must be congruent with the guidelines established in the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership’s Student Group Handbook.  In situations in which the role of the advisor prescribed in an organization’s constitution is different, policies established by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership supersede them.]

Article IX – Committees

Section 1 – [Insert a description of standing committees, their function, financing, powers, etc.]

Section 2 – [Describe the selection of committee members.  For example, “Members of the marketing committee shall be appointed by the President, with a majority vote of approval of the general membership.”]

Article X – Finances (if applicable)

Section 1 – Members shall pay dues in the amount of [Insert a dollar amount, the schedule for which they are assessed, and the individual for collecting and processing dues.]

Section 2 – [Insert a description of accounting procedures, how funds are allocated, how accounts are maintained, etc.]

Article XI – Constitutional Amendments

* Section 1 – This constitution may be amended by a vote of [Insert the number or proportion of the membership required to amend the constitution.  What is the process by which revisions may be proposed?  How far in advance must proposals be distributed to the membership?  Are the changes effective immediately upon their passage?  May this take place at any meeting, or may changes only be proposed and passed at an official business meeting?  Every time the organization’s constitution is amended, a revised copy must be emailed to the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership at studentactivities@alverno.eud.]

Article XII – Bylaws

Section 1 – [Some organizations may find it necessary to implement policies other than the primary guiding rules described in a constitution.  As the constitution, in many ways, is the backbone of the organization, it may not be appropriate to include secondary policies in this document.]

APPENDIX B: Vehicle Waiver Form

APPENDIX C: Activity Waiver Form