CL-115 Office 365 & Google Apps (0 credits)
This hands-on workshop focuses on Office 365 and Google Drive (G Suite) tools available to Alverno students including student email, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, OneDrive cloud storage, Skype and Google Apps for Education.
CL-341 Geographical Information Systems (3 credits)
This hands-on course in which students are given beginning-level opportunities to process, analyze and visualize spatial data and information using commercially-available GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software. In the process, they are introduced to the principles of GIS and its usefulness as an analytical tool and as an effective communication technique in addressing global, envrionmental and social science questions. The course also explores ethical issues pertaining to confidentiality and privacy when gathering and using GIS data.
Prerequisite(s): SSC 101 and 2 courses from Natural Science/Math General Education requirements completed.